• Outperforming the market and creating substantial values, that specializes in power technology and provides the industry with equipment and services;

• Helping customers achieve better results in their industry through cost reduction and clean environment;

• Fulfilling the requirements of the quality management system based on ISO 9001:2008 standard and implementing and improving its effectiveness by monitoring objectives and targets yearly;

• Providing our employees with opportunities to contribute with decision making process through suggestions that will have a positive impact on the company;

• Training and motivating employees and business partners to understanding their qualities and responsibilities at the company;

• Having the necessary tools and systems in place in achieving a safe and secure work environment;


Quality Light & Heavy Equipment Co. is a role model business leader in areas of operation, it will develop and implement business practices consistent with safeguarding the environment and continue to expand business and facility management operations throughout the region by committed to significantly increasing the market share of providing state of the art industrial machines and equipments.

Quality Light & Heavy Equipment Co. is committed to excellence, aimed to outperform the market and created substantial values being the company that specializes in power generation technology and providing the industry with equipments and services to help customers deliver best work performances in most efficient, cost reduction and clean environment.